Saturday, December 18, 2010

Free Sample: Lactaid Dietary Supplements

Free Sample for Today!

and request a free sample of the Lactaid Fast Act Dietary Supplement!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Awesome Groupon Redbox deal! $1 for 3 Rentals!

If you rent Redbox movies, then you WANT to get in on this Redbox deal. You can score 3 rentals for just $1! Click the link here:

Redbox Deal!

Or you can check out the daily Kansas City deal here:

Find Today's Daily Deal on the Best in Kansas City!

Free sample of Avery Adhesive Name Badges

Just click the link below to get your free sample of Avery adhesive Name Badges!

Yankee Candle: Buy 2 Get 2 Free Coupon

Have a Yankee Candle lover on your shopping list?
Just print this coupon for buy 2 get 2 free and save some money!

You can also use this coupon and Bed Bath & Beyond & pair it with their 20% off any 1 item coupon that was just in their ad from the Sunday paper!

Office MaxPerks: Free Swingline Stapler

I am a huge fan of the OfficeMax MaxPerks program.
They office free after rewards items throughout the year & the turnaround time to get the rewards in your account is only about 30 days. Plus they don't expire for 90 days! That is plenty of time to use them up!

Right now they have this Swingline Optima Desk Stapler for $21.49, and you receive back $21.49 in MaxPerks rewards (which is just like cash or a giftcard to the store). The limit is 3.

They also list the Post-It Notes, but when I tried to buy them, it said the item was discontinued. Let me know if you were able to find them available on the website.

Also, if you order over $50, shipping is free. And by the way, shipping is fast! I almost always get my orders within 2 days with their standard free shipping!

Feel free to ask if you have any questions about this program!

Hancock on Blu Ray for just $3.99 from Amazon

Ok go to Amazon to get the Special Edition of Hancock on Blu Ray for just $3.99.
It is listed as $6.99, but use the code GRHORNET at checkout for an extra $3 off!
Final price, just $3.99!

Remember you can sign up for Amazon Mom to get free shipping. Plenty of time to get this by Christmas!

Buy A Movie, Get A Free Movie Ticket to Little Fockers!

Click here, Amazon movie deal, to see 31 different movie titles that Amazon has available for this promotion right now. I ordered the movie Role Models in Blu Ray for just $8.99 & will get a promotion code to get a free movie ticket for Little Fockers!

Plus after I made the order, I also got a code from Amazon for a $5 Amazon Video on Demand credit!

Free cup Yoplait Original Yogurt! Hurry!

And sign up for a coupon for a free cup of Yoplait Original Yogurt.
States the coupon should arrive in 2 - 4 weeks.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Free Kindle download: Money Girl's Smart Moves to Deal with Your Debt

Go to Free Download to download this book to your Kindle for free!

12/12 Free Samples: Playtex & Curel

For a free sample of Playtex Sport tampons visit: playtexsport

For a free sample of Curel Sensitive Skin Remedy lotion visit: curel

It's Sunday! New coupons are here!

There are 2 inserts in the papers this week. A smartsource (SS) and a red plum (RP). I get two different newspapers on Sunday. I get a Kansas City Star (KCS) and a Lawrence Journal World (LJW). The inserts in the two papers are always slightly different.

Here are the coupons from the inserts that I am most excited about:
From the Smartsource:
Reese's BOGO Reese's, Kit Kat, Hersheys FREE, exp 2/12/11
Air Wick candle $2/1, exp 1/23/11
Reames $.50/1 exp 3/12/11
Purina Beggin $1/1, exp 3/31/11
Ludens's Cough drops $.55/1 exp 2/28/11 (only in the KCS)
Bic 3 black or 4 blade disposable shaver $2/1 exp 1/9/11 (only in the KCS)
Energizer batteries or flashlight $1/1 exp 1/31/11 (only in the KCS)
Birds Eye vegetables $.50/2, exp 1/31/11 (only in the KCS)
Welch's 64oz or 96 oz $1/1 exp 2/13/11 (only in the LJW)
Seapak $1/1 exp 1/31/11 (only in the LJW)
Pioneer Brand gravy mix $.55/2 exp 2/28/11 (only in the LJW)

From the RedPlum:
Pounch cat treats $1.50/2, exp 2/6/11
Crest whitestrips $7/1, exp 1/31/11
Duracell $1.50/1, exp 1/31/11
Axe shower gel or detailer BOGO free, exp 1/8/11
Axe bodyspray, deoderant BOGO free, exp 1/8/11

I'm sure there are other coupons this week that will end up being awesome deals in the weeks to come, but for right now, the ones I listed are the ones I am most excited about!

Make Your Own Gail Vaz-Oxlade

This is a blog that I recently read & really enjoyed.

Here is the original blog post:
Please check out her blog, I love Gail. I think she is very blunt & honest, which is how we all need to be with our finances.

Make Your Own Opportunities

So Alex and I were talking the other day about getting what you want. She chastised me for what she referred to as, in essence, being cocky.  I told her that asking for what you want, and telling people why they should give it to you isn’t “cocky”… it’s smart. Our conversation got me thinking.

Do you believe that you make your own opportunities?  Napoleon Hill said, “The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going.” I believe that.

Years ago I woke up one morning wondering why I wasn’t writing for a major newspaper. Hey, I was really good at what I did, why didn’t I have a regular column? So I sent both the National Post and the Globe and Mail emails (to their respective money editors) asking for a column. The Globe gave me one, which I wrote for… I dunno… maybe a year, maybe a year and a half.

My email talked about the fact that I was a well-known and well-respected financial writer, it detailed my successes (books, other columns, and the like) and then it asked for what I wanted: my own column.
Maybe the difference between getting what you want and not getting what you want simply boils down to asking.

In sales lingo, it’s called “going for the close” and it’s a big factor in the success or failure of salespeople to get the order. I believe it’s also a big factor in our personal  success.

What was the worst that could happen if both the Globe & Post said, “No thanks?” I wouldn’t have had a column. But I already didn’t have a column so that downside was non-existent. They could think I was “nuff nuff”, as they say in Jamaica. But I’m way past worrying about what anyone else thinks.

The upside was that I would get a column, some more exposure, and a venue to help people hear The Word. Turns out someone said yes!

Some people believe that they could no more do what I did than fly. Well, here’s what Henry Ford had to say about creating your own reality: “If you think you can do it, or you think you can’t do it, you are right.”
I believe with all my heart that we can each do anything we want, if we want it badly enough and have some gumption. But you have to believe that you are the author of your fate. You have to KNOW that you are going to achieve what it is you’ve set your heart on.

As Francis Bacon said, “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.”

No one ever said getting what you want is easy. Sometimes it’s damn hard. But if your follow these five steps, you’re much more likely to succeed: DANCE!

D – Decide.  What do you really, really want? You must be clear and absolutely committed.
A – Act. Nothing will happen if you aren’t prepared to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES.
N – Notice what you’re doing. Is it working? What isn’t working?
C – Change. You must be adaptable. You must be willing to accept new information and alter course if that will get you to where you want to be.
E – Evaluate. Measure your success. Take pride in your accomplishments. Decide if you are still on the right track.

Did you notice that we’re back to DECIDE? Yup, the whole process is a cycle. You need to stay on it, and you need to follow through.

I’ll leave you with one final pithy saying:
“Be careful what you wish for, for you shall surely get it.”

***See more of Gail's links on my Making Ends Meet tab!