About Me

Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog. I am Sarah. The gorgeous man to my right is Pete. He's my fiance. We are eager to get married; however, we are dedicated to getting on the right path financially before tying the knot. That is what my blog is about. I do many things on a daily basis to save money and cut back expenses and sometimes even earn some extra money while I am at it. I also am able to do this while having a lot of fun.

I work a full time job which I really enjoy. Pete owns his own company which he is working hard to try to make it successful. Owning your own company though means income can be very variable. It's hard to budget each month when you aren't sure how much money will be earned. To combat this, I try to save money wherever we can. I also try to earn extra money to pay for our extras, like our upcoming wedding!