Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Threat of the first freeze!

Tonight is the threat of the first freeze. With this, I thought that I would post of pictures of the produce that I have picked from my garden this year.  The first is today's harvest.

Watermelon, spinach, rutabaga, radishes, cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, green bell peppers, leaf lettuce
 Radishes, tomatoes, squash, bell peppers, mini red hot peppers
 Radishes, squash, bell pepper, tomatoes, canteloupe
 Squash, tomatoes, yellow and green bell peppers, red hot peppers, radishes, watermelon and pumpkin
 watermelon, canteloupe, cucumber, tomatoes, red hot peppers, green beans
 Canteloupe, squash, cucumber, zucchini, red hot peppers, cherry tomatoes, green beans
 Canteloupe, bell peppers, cucumber, tomatoes, squash, zucchini
 watermelon, bell peppers, corn, tomatoes, hot peppers, squahs, cucumbers
 And pretty much from July through now, this is what my counter in my kitchen has looked like!

I just wanted to share because I think that this is a great way to save a ton of money and to eat better. We never once ran out of fresh fruits and vegetables to eat with our meals, as snacks, and to give away to friends and family. The garden did excellent this year. And it really isn't nearly as time consuming as people think. After spending a good part of the day planting, really I just spend about 10 minutes per day picking what's ready, spot weeding, and checking things out for bugs or diseases. Every couple weeks I'll spend a couple hours in the garden thoroughly weeding, but it's not all that often. My short daily checks take care of most of it. Not only did we eat very fresh and healthy all summer, but we now have a frozen veggies and jars of salsa to enjoy all winter!

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