Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Free Duracell Batteries at Dillons/Kroger!!

At Dillons/Kroger right now there is an awesome deal going on!
Duracell batteries are regularly $3.79 each.
They are on sale for $1.98 each
There was a coupon in this past Sunday's coupon inserts for $1.50 Duracell coppertop batteries.

There is also a Catalina deal going on. If you buy $15 worth of Duracell batteries, you get a coupon for $3 off your next shopping trip.

Here is the deal:
Buy 4 packages of Duracell batteries = $7.92 plus tax of $.68
Minus 4 $1.50 coupons = $6.00
Total is $2.60
Plus, since the regular price of the batteries is over $15, you will get a Catalina coupon for $3 back to spend on anything you want the next time you check out!

Final price: You made $.40 for buying 4 packs of batteries!

Now go do the happy dance & stock up on batteries for Chistmas!


  1. I'm trying to tell my mom about this deal. Do you happen to know what coupon insert the coupon was in i.e. Redplum, etc. THANKS!

  2. It was in the red plum with the Nestle advertisement on the front.
